

Week 4 - Stone and Brick








By the end of this week, students will have..






Introduction to materials: Go to the Materials page




1. Do this jig-saw puzzle, and share your answers to the following questions:

2. Create a new page on your wiki, call it "stone", and write your ideas about the following questions:

3. Read the brain map below, and, in pairs, write a paragraph using the information given (use the "stone" page on your wiki)



4. Listen to the recording about stone on our Podomatic blog

Recording is a courtesy of Moira Hunter in France



5. Take notes, and add more information to the paragraph you have written. Write the new information using bold font

6. Read the text about stone\" found in Moodle

7. Edit and proofread your paragraph

8. Practice reading the paragraph, and record it in Springdoo.

9. Post the recording to your stone page on your wiki.

10. Add new vocabulary to the class glossary in Moodle


Homework: Do the following activities about the reading, and post them to the stone exercises forum in Moodle:


A. Read the text and find..


B. Look at the following slide show and write a sentence describing 10 of the 17 images


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Courtesy of Rubena St. Louis in Leeds, UK.





1. Complete the activities about Stone if you haven't finished them




2. What do you know about brick? Share your thoughts. Open a brick page in your wiki and answer the following questions (you can do a search on the Web):


4. Listen to the podcast and reply with your thoughts on the use of brick in construction and public spaces

The podcast is courtesy of Gladys Baya from Argentina]



5. Homework::










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